Sunday, 10 December 2023

The run up to Christmas

 Santas' Little Helpers

In the run up to Christmas it would be really good to have some of Santas' little helpers but usually it is just me who does the shopping for food and presents, and the cleaning. I don't know about you but I'm getting pretty nervous when I think that it is just another 2 weeks till the big day and even the tree is still in the garden. So, is Christmas time not just a quiet time to reflect and to have joy and fun? Do you get more stress in just the 4 weeks before Christmas than you have the whole year as well? 

So, it is time to sit down and think. Is all that preparation really necessary? Can we do with less shopping, cooking, cleaning? If not, what can we do? 

Well, there is always Homoeopathy which can help to relax and take the stress out of the situation. There are over 3500 Homoeopathic remedies which can help you focusing on the most important things at the most wonderful time of the year. So there is no need to worry, just give me a call on 07813 195468 and we can sort something out for you because Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine and I will tailor it to your needs.

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