Sunday, 21 April 2024

Be aware

It Was Homoeopathy Awareness Week 

Last week was the end of another Homoeopathy Awareness Week. Every year around the 10th of April there is Homoeopathy Awareness Week for 7 days. This is because the 10th of April was the birthday of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy. 

If you don't know what Homoeopathy is: It is a natural kind of medicine with principles and a sound philosophy behind it. It is suitable for all kind of health ailments, acute or chronic. There is always an answer in Homoeopathy because we Homoeopaths have over 3500 medicines, which are called remedies, to choose from. 

Some people say that it doesn't work and cannot work because the substances the remedies made out of are highly diluted. They are sometimes so highly diluted that there is no molecule of the original substance left in the remedy. This is not a fault, this is intended because the dose makes the poison. By diluting the substance we render it safe and the more highly diluted the substance is, the more powerful is the remedy. 

I could tell you a lot more about Homoeopathy and how it works but I do not want to bore you even though I find it highly exciting. Just let me tell you that Homoeopathy has nothing to do with Chemistry so we do not need the molecules in the remedies. It has something to do with Quantum Physics and works with the memory of water. Water is just clever stuff and remembers things. It is a bit like other things you cannot see, hear or feel but they are still there and have an influence on your body like sound waves, electricity and smell. 

Sometimes soundwaves are used to make people feel bad but you cannot use Homoeopathy that way. You cannot make people sick with Homoeopathy. If I do not get the prescription right, the worst thing that could happen is.... that nothing is going to happen. This is a tricky one as well because you might not noticing any change at first but I might so it is always important to keep your appointments. 

Homoeopathy is very gentle but nevertheless very powerful and can changes lives forever. I can truly say that I would not be alive anymore without Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy is also a very individual medicine. If you have a consultation with me, which can take up to 3 hours, particularly if it is the first consultation, I will find the right remedy which fits you. So not one pill for all. 

In Homoeopathy we treat people not diseases. And NO I'm not specialising on anything, I do not turn ANYBODY away, I treat all the people whatever their problem is. Sometimes you need to be a bit patient because it took you some time to get ill so now it will take some time to get you better. But I have to say that I had some very quick responses in my time. 

Still not convinced? Then there is only one way to find out. Book an appointment and call me on 07813 195468. Looking forward to hear from you. 

Sometimes apples are not enough to keep the doctor away. 


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