Sunday 22 September 2024


The Wish To Be Safe And Secure

I think we all want to be safe and secure to a certain extent. It is nice to know where the next meal is coming from and that you have enough money to pay your way. We all want to have a roof over our head and enough clothes to wear that we will not be cold. Having shoes without holes is good as well because our feet will stay dry when is is raining. A lot of those things are normal for most of us and we don't really think a lot about it or being particularly grateful for it. At one time I was not particularly grateful, demanding more and worrying about the fact that I did not have as much as other people, or that I did not get want I wanted. 

A way to recognize what you have got is when you are going to lose it or have already lost it. That did not happen before I actually got divorced and everything I took for granted was taken away from me. One thing I did find out was, that you do not cease to exist when you cannot afford to live anymore. You do not vanish from the face of the earth, you still have to find a way to survive and make it work. And that caused a lot of fear and anxiety.  

It is understandable that you are experiencing fear and anxiety when your world is upside down. It is normal that you want protection in a situation where you have lost everything. 

BUT you should be worried when you feel like that without an obvious reason. If nothing happened to shake your world then it is not normal to feel the fear and anxiety which loosing everything would cause. So if there is no immediate threat of divorce, bankruptcy or anything else which could be a danger to your social and personal security, you definitely need help. I'm not saying that you should not seek or not need any help if there are disasters coming your way. I'm saying that it should ring alarm bells when there is no reason to feel unprotected.

Homoeopathy is a good way to address issues with feelings of distress whatever the reason. One Remedy particularly comes to mind when there is the feeling of anxiety or the need for protection. It is called Calcarea-Carbonica and it is made of the inner lining of the oyster shell. 

The oyster protects itself from any foreign bodies which get into it by coating the intruder with layers of mother of pearl. This is how a pearl is formed. It is quite amazing that nature forms something so beautiful out of the need for protection. This is by no means the only Homoeopathic remedy which could be used in this instance but the one where one of the keynotes is that of the highest need for protection. 

Homoeopathy is a wonderful thing and if you think it might help you, please, not self medication. Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine and it can only work if you get the remedy right. So please give me a ring on 07813 195468 to book an appointment.  

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